Your dealer can walk you through the steps to avoid unnecessary damage and the associated costs. To avoid running up excessive repair bills, talk to your operators and be sure they know to immediately contact you and your equipment dealer if they accidentally added DEF to the fuel tank. If you are ever in doubt if the correct fill hole was used, drain and flush the tank with deionized water or clean DEF fluid. Usually, the DEF fill hole is smaller in diameter. If you have machines where the DEF and diesel tanks are near each other, another easy way to tell the difference is the size of the fill holes. If that happens, and an operator starts a machine with DEF in the fuel lines, it can potentially cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. But fuel and DEF tanks are close in proximity on some equipment, so it’s not surprising this mistake occurs.
The liquid, which looks like water, is sprayed into the exhaust before it exits the machine.ĭEF should never be mixed with diesel fuel, and it has its own filling port. Don’t Confuse FillsĭEF is an emissions control solution designed to lower the nitrogen oxide emissions in diesel engines.